Getting Your Feet Wet
Bill Giant

Florence Kaye, Bill Giant, Bernie Baum
Deal Type
Little boy now don’t you run away
This playground is a place where you should play
You’ll learn to swing and slide
And you’ll do fine
Just take it easy
One step at a time
Boy you’re just a getting your feet wet
You’re like a scared little duck
Learning to swim
Getting your feet wet
But like that duck you’re in luck
Once you duck in
Even though you holler
and quack
All the fears will roll off
your back
You’ll be proud as anything
You’ll learn not to be afraid
And you’ll feel like a king
Getting your feet wet
Will surely open your eyes
I know I can tell
Getting your feet wet
Is going to make you get wise
Break out of your shell
Be like Mr. Turtle
go slow
Soon you’ll win that race boy
I know
You’ll catch up to everyone
Then you’ll get the swing of things
And you’ll start having fun
Be like Mr. Turtle go slow
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